New Work: Deconstructed Head in Pink, Red, and Blue
Detail of Deconstructed Head in Pink, Red, and Blue, Artist: Andrew Binder, 2023
Detail of Deconstructed Head in Pink, Red, and Blue, Artist: Andrew Binder, 2023
Detail of Deconstructed Head in Pink, Red, and Blue, Artist: Andrew Binder, 2023
Deconstructed Head in Pink, Red, and Blue began with the intention of being a quick study, but grew into a struggle, a learning experience, and a much more complicated piece. There was a point where I was very frustrated with it and wanted to abandon it. Then I got sick for a about a week or so. I returned to it afterward and saw what I had done in a more favorable light. I saw a new path forward for the piece. Something very different than what was originally intended. When I was finally completing it, while listening to a dark ambient mix, the sky outside was an apocalyptic orange hue, as smoke from the Canadian forest fires blanketed New York. In the end being forced to "step away" from the image for a while allowed me to come back and see it with new eyes. It wound up being the best thing for this particular piece.